Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Otavolo, Quito, and the Galapagos Islands!

Hey everyone!
The last week or so has been crazy as the trip wraps up faster than I could have imagined. First we spent two days in Otavolo shopping for souveniers and spending wayyyyy too much money. Then we spent another two days in Quito, the capitol of Ecuador, which I think was my favorite city over the whole trip. We stayed in New Town, a super hip part of town with lots of yummy food, but spent one day wandering around Old Town. In Old Town we climbed to the top of the Basilica, where we got a 360 degree view of the city, and ate lunch near the cute town square which is surrounded by beautiful old colonial buildings and lots of other pretty stuff to look at.
Next we flew to the Galapagos for the final hoorah of the trip- a four day yacht trip around the southern islands. The boat was an amazing place with 3 floors, lots of lounge chairs, and a bar. During the day we snorkled, took dingy rides to look at the animals on the coast, walked around a couple different islands, jumped off the boat, and tanned. My back is currently beet red and crazy ichy. Oops. Oh yeah, and we ate a lot, like usual. We came back into Porto Ayora for our last two nights and spent an extra day shopping and checking out the Charles Darwin Center. Over the week we got to see an amazing array of animals such as sharks, giant schools of fish, lots of baby sea lions, galapagos penguins(my favorite!!), blue-footed boobies, crabs, marine iguanas, pelicans, friggate birds, the famous Darwin Finches, and (of course!) giant turtles!
This morning we took a taxi, a bus, a boat, another bus, a plane, and another taxi and we have now arrived back in Quito. Tonight we have our final night ¨closing ceremonies¨where we stay up all night and then we leave for the airport at 3am in the morning! I´ll be back in the States midday Wednesday and back in Seattle by tomorrow night. Thanks to everyone who followed my blog and I hope to see you all very soon!
Lots of love,