Monday, March 8, 2010

Salar de Uyuni (Salt flats jeep safari)

Last Wednesday we headed even further south to Uyuni, Bolivia on an overnight train, only to leave Uyuni on Thursday morning for a four day jeep safari through southern Bolivia. We drove all day for four days, stopping at different points along the way to take pictures and look around. We stopped at lots of different interesting rock formations, lakes, the base of a couple volcanos (including the volcano that borders Chile), and an active geyser! The whole area was very dry and rocky, but very beautiful. We stayed in very basic, middle-of-nowhere hostels every night- toilet paper became quite a hot commodity by the end of the trip! And I´ll just say that I´m getting very used to not showering often... But the stars were amazing- I haven´t seen the sky like that in years!
On the last day of our drive we made our final stop at Salar de Uyuni, the ENORMOUS salt flat that is just south of Uyuni. Since we´re at the tail end of the rainy season the whole area was under two to five inches of water and absolutely breathtaking. You could just barely see the mountains in the distance, but most of the time you couldn't tell where the ground ended and the sky began.
Last night we headed back to La Paz on an eleven hour overnight bus where the majority of the driving was still on dirt roads over dried up riverbeds and such. Luckily we were all so tired that by midnight we were all asleep and suddenly it was seven in the morning and we were in La Paz!
That´s all for now! On Wednesday we do our first trip to the Amazon for a boat excursion- wish me luck with the mosquitoes!
Love Burns

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