Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Aruro, Bolivia

Change of plans! We ended up having to leave Malcorancho a day early due to a transportation blockade that started all over Bolivia at midnight last night. Evo Morales has proposed a new anti-drunk driving policy that would hold transportation companies (such as taxis) responsible for any of their employee´s wrong-doings, and the transportation unions are up in arms. We´re super lucky that our leaders knew about the blockade in advance, or else we would have been stranded in Cochabamba until this weekend! We are now in Aruro, and plan on taking an overnight train to Uyuni, leaving at 7:30 tonight. Aruro is a small town in the middle of the country, though there still seem to be more internet cafes on every block than there are Starbucks in Seattle. There isn´t much to do here in Aruro so my fellow Garfield grad, Camille, and I spent last night teaching our teammates Thirteen, a fabulous card game that I´m sure many of you other GHSers know how to play. Today will be spent wandering around the local Anthropology museum before we head out.
That´s all for now! Lots of love to you all in the States.

1 comment:

  1. Burns, one of my clients has a housekeeper who is from Bolivia. I told her about your trip and it turns out that her whole family is from Cochambamba and she and her cousin used to dance in the carnival. How's that for a small world?
    We love you lots! Be careful!!
