Sunday, February 28, 2010

Malcorancho, Bolivia

Hey all!
I´ve spent the last week living and working in Malcorancho, Bolivia, a small town outside of Cochabamba. The family I have been living with is very sweet, very quiet, only speaks spanish, and includes a mom, a dad, and two sons aged 8 and 22. They have a dog, a cat, about 5 chickens, and lots and lots of ducks (including ducklings!). We´ve been working constuction at a local school, trying to finish constuction on a new classroom, which has included metal work, wood work, and LOTS of mixing and pouring cement. Did I mention that everything is by hand? Yeah... It´s pretty exausting. Yesterday we only worked a half day and instead took a bus to a local "Eco-resort" for an afternoon of much- deserved rest. Tuesday we leave for the next leg of our trip- a jeep safari across southern Bolivia!
Well, time for siesta where all the internet cafe´s shut down for 2 hours, so I´m gettting kicked off the internet. I´ll write again in a week when we get back to La Paz! Love to everyone!


  1. Hi sweetie! Hope you are having the time of your life. I saw the post asking if you felt the earthquake. Let us know. Judy and I were talking to Grandma today and she, of course, was worried that you might be in Chile. Be safe - have fun!
    Love you, Gail

  2. Hi Gail!
    We were lucky enough to not feel the earthquake at all! We´re in pretty central in Bolivia at the moment, and will be closest to Chile this weekend, but nowhere near the quake zone. Then we head north into Peru the week after, so we´ll stay far away
    Thanks for the message! Tell everyone I say hello!
    Love you lots
