Friday, February 19, 2010

Home stay in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Happy Friday!
On Wednesday we moved into the first of four home stays over the course of the trip. My home stay mom is named Lucy, who lives in a beautiful house right in the heart of Cochabamba (but still a little less crazy than the neighborhood where our hostel was last weekend). Lucy speaks very impressive english, but we´re trying to converse in spanish as much as possible, which has definitely been difficult. Luckily one of my teammates, Alex, is also staying with Lucy and together we can usually communicate quite well.
We have spanish classes two times a day, once early in the morning and once after lunch. In Bolivia lunch is the main meal of the day so staying alert during afternoon classes has been difficult. Though we don´t have very much free time, I´ve gotten a lot of chances to walk from place to place and feel very comfortable in my neighborhood. Tomorrow is our last day of classes, and then we have tickets to the final Carnaval parade which lasts all day from early in the morning till very late at night. We´re all excited to see the local dances and clothing, hear the local music, and experience Carnaval without being totally soaked the whole time.
That´s all for now! Best wishes to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to read about your experience at the final day of Carnival!!!
