Saturday, February 13, 2010

La Paz, Bolivia

Buenos noches!
After a very long night of flying we managed to land at 12,000 ft, at the top of the huge bowl that is La Paz, Bolivia. A taxi brought us down into the middle of the city, which left us at around 9,000 feet and very short of breath as we carried our bags up the stairs to the hostel where we´re staying in. After naps and a late lunch, we went up to Killi Killi, a lookout point at the top of the city to watch the sun go down. Oh, I forgot to mention that it is currently Carnival right now, and La Paz is known for its city-wide water fight, where they particularly like to target tourists like ourselves. Needless to say, at the top of the lookout we made some new friends, who immediately deemed us their favorite targets and the 13 of us ended up sprinting back down the hill with our new friends in tow, throwing water balloons and shooting us with water guns and foam canisters. Later we wandered upon a huge market with lots of fun things to look at, before a late dinner, and now bed time! Tomorrow we have a 7 to 8 hour bus ride to Cochabamba, where we´ll be spending the next week and a half.
Best wishes to you all!

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