Friday, February 12, 2010

Leaving Miami


After a long, long night of flying I landed in Miami early yesterday morning and after a long nap, started orientation with the rest of my team. The group is made up of nine girls and three boys, with two leaders named Jess and Andrew. So far everyone is really nice and SO excited for the trip. More than half the team is Canadian and it has been really interesting to hear about their education system and I'm looking forward to hearing more about the health care system and their politics in the next couple months. In turn, we have already had a short "So what do you American's think about Obama?" discussion, which was pretty funny.

We have a couple hours left of orientation, where we'll be talking more about the itinerary, our home stay, health, safety, and other logistics. We head to the airport at 7:30 tonight for our 7 hour long red-eye to La Paz, Bolivia. At this time tomorrow I'll offically be in South America (finally!).

Love and miss you all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Burns, so glad you've already started discussing politics :)
    Hope you are having a great first day in La Paz!
