Monday, April 12, 2010

Banos, Ecuador

After another long day on the bus, we made it to Banos, Ecuador late on Saturday night. Banos is a tiny tourist town known mainly for the natural baths on the edge of the city, which we didn´t quite manage to get to.... But that´s ok, it has been a great two days anyways. Yesterday we wandered the city and ate a lot of food, as we tend to do, and today we went white water rafting on a nearby river about an hour away. Rafting was great, especially as the river ran especially high due to recent heavy rains, and we all enjoyed the beautiful Ecuadorian men who enthusiastically led our group.
I´m currently sitting just off the town square enjoying some delicious chocolate ice cream as I mentally prepare myself for getting back to work tomorrow. We´re heading back into the hot, hot jungle to run a kids camp for 4 days and then do some conservation work for another week or so, which is the last volunteer component of our trip. We´ll be out of the reach of technology until then, but I´ll let you know how everything goes when we get out! Cross your fingers for me that the bugs don´t eat me alive!
Best wishes to everyone!

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