Friday, April 9, 2010

Cuenca, Ecuador

Hello all!
We finally made it to Ecuador late Wednesday night and, man, are we all excited to be here! Cuenca is an adorable colonial city that is super walkable, has beautiful architecture as well as the most delicious food! We´ve spent the last two days wandering the streets, eating an incredible amount, and taking in the sights. I honestly have had dessert like seven times in the last 48 hours... It´s a rough life I live, isn´t it? Tomorrow we head to Banos, Ecuador, a small town at the base of an active volcano.
All the traveling is still going quite well, though our group has definitely had its share of sickness, bugs, and translation issues. For example, my thumbs are currently peeling and an interesting purple color due to my malaria medication... Interesting, huh? My spanish is still pretty basic, but I´m feeling more sure of myself every day! I´m thinking Spanish classes at Seattle Central Community College are in the near future for me if anyone wants to join!
Love and miss you all!

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